Tired of being fact checked, blocked, monitored etc.? With a free "My Community" page you control who can access your community and what is being posted. We do not monitor or fact check your community, it's your community and you own it. Additionally you can connect your community to other communities where like minded people can meet and discuss what's on their mind.

With your My Community page, you build an online community where family, friends, and online like minded people can meet and discuss their lives and events occurring to them. My Community is a private place where visitor must be authorized to join and need a valid email to access your My Community page.

How hard is it to make a My Community page? It's as EZ as 1, 2, 3!
1. Go to the My Community page and create your unique community name
2. Click submit and the creation page opens where you can add a unique picture and some details about you or your community
3. Click save and your managers page opens to your community you can start adding content
4. Your will receive an email with links for you to send to friends and family to invite them to you community and you will also receive a link in the email to your managers page (you should not give out the managers link) that is only for the manager of the community.
Click here to get your free My Community page
